
Friday, May 9, 2014

New Project

One of my FANE friends works at the OSilas Gallery of Concordia College in Bronxville, NY.  Last summer, they held a juried art exhibition titled "Summer ARTiculated," which is summer-themed art in any media.  I didn't have my act together to enter anything, but my friend Vivien did, was accepted into the show and sold her piece (read about it here and here).  This year if I enter, I could choose from among some of my more summery pieces, or possibly make a new one.  I've been planning on doing something with a beach theme, maybe even a series, and I've already set aside a whole bunch of fabrics for it.   The silks and sheers I bought last weekend at the show will fit right in.  Here's how they look together:

I have an idea of how I want to piece these, but I haven't done this kind of piecing in a long time.  I remember that when I took Jane Davila and Elin Waterston's Artquilting 101 way back in 2004 that we practiced some curvy piecing, but I don't really remember how to do it.  Luckily, I bought their Art Quilt Workbook, which explains the whole process step by step!

It involves cutting the curve through the two fabrics you want to stitch together, making registration marks, pinning, and stitching...  Hmm, sound complicated, but I'll give it a shot.

Here I go...  so far, so good...

Hey, not too bad, at least it presses nice and flat!  But why are my registration marks showing?  Oops, I was supposed to flip the fabric and draw them on the wrong side (duh!).  I guess I'll have to scrub them off (or start again with new fabric!).

I manage to (almost) completely wash out those pencil marks (can you still see them?), and do three more strips using my air-soluble marker on the reverse, like the directions state!  Not bad!  I think I'll keep going...


Norma Schlager said...

Your curvy piecing looks great!

Vivien Zepf said...

I agre -- looks great! Can't wait to see what you make.

(And thanks for the kind reference to my luck last year at the show!)