
Friday, August 2, 2013

Thankful Thursday

I've been trying to think of ways to encourage myself to blog more often.  I thought I might try doing a weekly themed day and came up with "Thankful Thursdays," which would be posts about gratitude.  This would serve the dual purpose of getting me to come up with a few (maybe 5) things I'm thankful for every Thursday.  Although I came up with the idea last week, when I got home from work yesterday I was so tired, I just cooked dinner, ate, lay down, and fell asleep!  So the first installation of Thankful Thursday will be posted on a Friday!  Here are 5 things I'm thankful for today:
  1. My Mother!  Today is her birthday and I'm so fortunate to have been raised by her and to still have her in my life.  She is an excellent listener and gives great advice - she is always there when I need her!  Happy Birthday, Mom!
  2. Health (both mine and my family's).  "If you haven't got your health, you haven't got anything." I think I often take my good health for granted, but I've been very blessed to never have any serious health issues.
  3. My husband.  We've had good times and hard times, but we've never given up on each other.  He's always there with a shoulder, an ear, good advice, and often manages to make me laugh, even in the worst situations.  He's a hard worker, a good provider and a great father too!
  4. Summertime.  It's so nice to wake up and hear the birds singing, and see the sun streaming through the window, to go out without a coat, to spend time among all the green growing things. "Summertime and the livin' is easy..."
  5. My job.  I know many people don't like their jobs, and I feel very fortunate that I really enjoy mine!  It's a lot of fun, I work with great people, and I have a ready supply of reading material at my fingertips!  The pay could be better, but I have some nice perks (no late fees!).
What are you feeling thankful for today?


Vivien Zepf said...

Thankful Thursday -- what a great idea! It's always great to journal in some way about our blessings. I may steal this from time to time, if that's okay with you.

Norma Schlager said...

I, too, think it's a great idea and I may borrow it, too. It's always good to count our blessings.

Cindy Green said...

Borrow away! Glad you like the idea!