Here are the rest of the pieces from the show. Above is Martha Buhl's piece titled "Golden Opportunity." Below are all the horizontal pieces. First, Lynda Long's "Yellow Spirit Lion."

Above, Claire Oehler's "Green Rain," and "Tree Study IV: Blue Dusk" by Barbara Sferra, below.

Two blue pieces, "Blue Skies Up Above" by Cecelia Leiseroff (top) and Barbara Schiller's beautifully moody nighttime piece below.

Here we have "Vermillion Verge" by Andrea Schedletsky (top) and "Vanilla Fudge Mosaic Swirl" by Maxine Oliver. Click on it to see all the little squares of fabric she fused on to make this very detailed mosaic.

Here are the final two pieces in the show. In "Misty Gray Morning," (top), Joyce Sullivan used pussy willows for the little baby ducklings. How's that for a clever found object? Another clever one below, "Just Zip Through the Red Tape" by Joann Lubchenko.
You must agree, we're a talented bunch (if I do say so myself)! If you live in the area and haven't done so yet, stop by to see them all for yourselves. It's worth the trip!
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