Another benefit to the rain: all the bulbs are finally making an appearance! Here are some daffodils,
some mountain bluebells,
And some hyacinths. Can't wait to see the flowers!
And as promised, here is the postcard I created for the 3rd Great Big Stitched Postcard swap. The theme was love, and I've been noticing lately that love in the movies is often portrayed as a feeling, but love in reality is an action. It's what you make a conscious decision to do everyday. I thought about including images like a parent getting up early to prepare breakfast or pack lunches, or grocery shopping, or cleaning, doing laundry, helping with homework, going to a job - all the things we do directly or indirectly for the people we love. But since the postcard is only 4"x6", I settled for a simplified version of love in action. Here it is!
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