Since I am now a SAQA member, I've been checking their website often to read the Calls for Entry. They always have a long list, but each show has certain particulars, and sometimes my work doesn't fit them; for instance, some shows are only accepting work from people in a certain state, or quilts of a certain size, or that fit a certain theme. But they usually have one non-juried show that
all SAQA members can participate in. I thought I'd find out what the deadline is for their member show this year, since now that I'm a member, all I have to do is send it - no judging, no additional fee. I found out last week the deadline is January 21st. I thought that was a postmark date - I was wrong - it's a Received by date! Yesterday I looked through my pile of completed pieces to see if there was something that might be appropriate, but no such luck. I even thought about getting up very early this morning to try to throw something together, something similar to the "Rhythm of the Earth" piece I finished last week, only scaled down, only 10"x 10". But I ended up going back to sleep.
All morning, the idea of passing on this opportunity really nagged at me, so when I got home from work in the early afternoon, I decided to play around and see what I could come up with. I actually started it and finished it all in the same day! I don't think I've ever done that before. It's very similar to "Rhythm of the Earth" with some of the same fabrics and embellishments, but it's more symmetrical and balanced. The prospectus stated that all the pieces would be mounted behind a matte with only an 8"x 8" square showing, so I designed the piece to be viewed that way. All the embellishments fit into that 8x8 square. Now all I have to do is pare down the statement I made when I presented the larger piece to the FANE group in the fall, e-mail that off, and get this piece to California by Friday!!!!!
Despite the wintry mix today, I managed to get to the post office and get my entry on the way! California, here we come!
So glad you did this! I hope to take advantage of the extended deadline to get mine done and in.
Now they tell me! I wish I had known that on Tuesday! :-o Vivien, go for it!
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