
Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day Gratitude

Despite the huge, messy storm yesterday, and my DH being out of town, I'm feeling very thankful today.  For one thing, we never lost power!  The heat is on and we can cook, shower, and flush toilets as usual.  Yay!  I am also feeling very beholden to my next-door-neighbor, Gail, who helped us dig out.  Their snowblower quit, so she borrowed ours and did both driveways with it.  She is an endless source of positive energy and fun, and never lets me down when I need help with something.  I'm so fortunate we ended up neighbors!  Of course, on Valentine's Day, I'm thankful for the loves of my life:  my husband Mark (affectionate, faithful, true), my three daughters (beautiful, talented, each one special in their own way), and our golden retriever, Cassie (ever playful, loyal and affectionate!).

Are you thankful for anything special today?

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